BPH, BMH / DPH, DMH are available only for Extra EU markets.
The circulator may be installed in heating systems either on the delivery pipe or on the return pipe; the arrow stamped on the pump body indicates the direction of flow. Install the circulator as high as possible above the minimum level of the boiler, and as far as possible from bends, elbows, derivations, as they could cause turbulence in the water entering the circulator, with consequent noisy operation. To facilitate control and maintenance operations, install an on-off valve on both the intake and the delivery pipe. Fit the circulator on the system only after having completed the welding jobs. Before installing the circulator, accurately flush the system with only water at 80°C, then completely drain the system to eliminate any harmful substance that may have got into circulation. The instruction manual of the BPH, BMH/DPH, DMH (also available in our DNA software) provides all the indications to follow for the use of the product.