DAB at event "University-Industry Cooperation: entrepreneurial ideas and scientific excellence towards Horizon Europe"


With Confindustria and Unismart to reinforce the technological transfer between university and enterprise
  • Category: Fairs and events

On Friday 18th at Aula Magna of Palazzo Bo it took place University-Industry Cooperation: entrepreneurial ideas and scientific excellence towards Horizon Europe.

The event sponsored by Confindustria Padua and Padua University-Unismart for the Padova Innovation Week was focused on the new “ecosystem” concerning the technological and knowledge transfer to small and medium industries. 

To represent business field involved in innovation and research projects with university, there was for DAB Pumps Francesco Sinico, R&D Director, who took part to the debate together with other main business representatives of Padua area, like Ambiente Ufficio, Carel, Comunian Vini, TFM Group. 

The event brought together the three main actors of “knowledge triangle” as university, Research Centers and Industries, to continue the common strategies path that aims to strengthen the connection between research and industry competitiveness, patents and PIL, for a better effectiveness of technological and knowledge transfer between university and industries.